The Milestones for our Capstone Project: The Protagonist

In our Capstone project our team had to come up with a main character that will be used throughout our two semesters of game development. Our first main character consisted of originally being an older male that had athletic ability. But after some discussion we decided that the main character will be female.

Girl enum

Image above was created using Adobe Illustrator CC using a mix of “pen” and “color fill” tools. After fleshing out what our female character will look like in-game, next we had to come up for what would be the “art-style” of the game, such as whether the main character should be either with borderlines or without borderlines as illustrated above. Border function was possible due to creating the entire sprite using the pen tool which creates borders for both the outline and shape fill for the design. We decided to go with the borderlined design due to the character sprites I had to design were going to be small, and to compensate for smaller visibility we went with borderlines around the character.

The Milestones for our Capstone Project: The Protagonist

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